Home » Ponderings » If over ONE BILLION People have heard your music, does that mean that you are famous ?

If over ONE BILLION People have heard your music, does that mean that you are famous ?

In the last year, I have been very blessed to have my music licensed to some huge shows and heard by some truly large audiences : The Super Bowl ( 120 Million ) 22 NFL Games ( 420 Million ) The 2012 Summer Olympics ( 212 Million ) well, you get the idea ~ A conservative estimate of just the placements here takes me to over ONE BILLION listeners !

This brings up several thoughts ~ First off, I am VERY grateful for the opportunity to have my music in these big shows and especially grateful to the men and women who make all this possible .

Second, it is so wonderful that modern technology allows me to compose and produce music in my Studio in the woods and beam my music on waves of light ALL AROUND THE WORLD in the blink of an eye ! When I started in this business it was all tapes and razor blades and it TOOK FOREVER to do pretty much everything ! When I hear folks waxing nostalgic about the ” good old Analog days ” I wonder if they ever actually made any recordings that anyone ever actually heard . . .

Thirdly, the proliferation of channels, web streaming, uTube, and media outlets of all kinds has been a wonderful boon to content creators like me . More outlets equals more opportunities for licenses so that if you work hard at this like I do, you reach a LOT more people !

So, onward bravely to TWO BILLION listeners and at that point, I really have to have a small party ~

In the joy of Music,



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